Best Guitar for Kids to Get Started On

Best Guitar for Kids to Get Started On

A kid’s first guitar is a big deal. His or her teacher will have an opinion on the right size and best guitar for kids to start out on. First, you need to get the right size. There are 1/2 size, 3/4 size and even parlor size guitars aimed at fitting your kid’s needs best. Arm length and a kid’s height both weigh in on the right guitar size. You want the kid’s right arm (if right handed) to hang nicely over the body of the guitar and comfortably reach the strings while the left arm reaches the first frets without the arm straightening out. A little elbow bend with the left arm is needed.

How to Give Guitar Lessons: Different Methods and Plans

How to Give Guitar Lessons: Different Methods and Plans

One of the great job opportunities for a guitarist is the option of teaching. Showing interest in learning the guitar is a part of coming of age and that interest will only grow as it’s a very portable instrument and the guitar is so easy to express yourself on. You don’t have to be particularly great at guitar to teach either. It’s always helpful to learn from a master, but teachers are known for their ability to convey the material in a way the student can comprehend and replicate. Every guitarist is at a different level and styles vary a great deal, so giving lessons will obviously take on the skill, style, and personality of the teacher. Let’s try to break down some key methods of learning which will help us to determine how to give guitar lessons.

Great Guitar Songs for Beginners to Learn

Great Guitar Songs for Beginners to Learn

Beginners can be anyone from 6-year-olds with small hands to 40-year-olds with rough hands. With that in mind, the first songs that one learns to play on guitar may vary a great deal. A child with little fingers will likely stay on the first few frets and strings, playing simple songs and three-string chords. An older beginner might, on the other hand, start on more difficult chords and songs as his or her hands can fully reach the notes. Either way, guitar songs for beginners will vary from instructor to instructor. Some teachers may start you out on folk or Americana songs you have heard from your youth, while others may take the approach of simple pop songs or classics. Let’s take a look at some guitar songs that will help you along.

Cool Guitar Songs for Advanced Players

Cool Guitar Songs for Advanced Players

Assuming you’re a guitar player who has put the effort in, it’s about time you started looking for guitar songs for advanced players. There are plenty of advanced guitarists who would, with great humility, say they were intermediate at best. Also, there are beginner or immediate guitarists who’d boast that they are advanced. Let’s pull out some very interesting pieces of music for all.

If you are truly advanced, you probably don’t need a list of guitar songs to conquer because you are already working on musical pieces that challenge you and keep you growing. For those who are exploring great music or are interested in songs for advanced players, let’s dive into some cool tunes.

Beginner Guitar: How Do I Get Better?

Beginner Guitar: How Do I Get Better?

Many people pursue guitar as a hobby or even a career. There are many mistakes that you can make as a beginner guitar player and everyone has their own formula for success. One thing that is certainly true is that the earlier in life you begin guitar, the better. Younger hands and fingers learn more quickly and are more responsive and pliable to the fretboard. That’s not to say that at 17 or, for that matter, 47 it’s too late.
